Beginner Telescope Review By Rami Astro
What You Will See Through Telescope?
Our customers records the views that they have get.

Photo by John Elliott from Amazon
"You can do amazing things with a little know-how and research" w/ 130EQ Newtonian Telescope

Photo by natet from Amazon
"Great beginners telescope for moon and planet viewing" w/ 130EQ Newtonian Telescope

Photo by Kii from Amazon
"It's a great telescope for beginner! The Moon is beautiful!" w/ 70AZ Refractor Telescope
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Start the astronomy journey with your kids.

The newest toy for kids to learn about the night sky. It is great for beginners.

Stars don't disappearthey keep balzing even when the night is over.

It's perfect for beginners to get started in astronomy. Easy to use and explore.
"Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet." ---------Stephen Hawking

ESSENWI Microscope
Explore the details fo the world!
ESSENWI 130EQ Newtonian Telescope
Make camping more fun!